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uNode 3 Pro

High performance visual scripting for Unity.
Maxy Games
(46 reviews)
Download Size:
9.07 MB
Current Version:
Original Release:
Dec 15, 2024
Last Update:
Feb 7, 2025
Supported Unity Version:
2022.3.1 or higher

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uNode is Visual Scripting plugin for Unity 3D. This plugin allows designers, artists and programmers to create gameplay mechanics, interactive systems and even C# script without writing a single line of code.


•Fast Enter Play Mode Support

By fast enter/exit play mode you can quickly test and prototype ideas.

•Graph Organizing

Use namespace, variable & function grouping, region / node group, comment, and notes to fully organize your graphs.

•Graph Inheritance

Enables you to create new graph that reuse, extend, and modify the behavior defined in other graph

•Flow Graphs

Powerful flow graphs for low-level logic and complex tasks.

•State Graphs

Powerful state graphs which combine Flow, State Machine, and Behavior Tree into one graphs.


Create a graph once and reuse them in entire graphs with different parameters.

•Dynamic Nodes

Use automatically generated nodes for all and any Unity functionality, your code and 3rd party APIs. Including Methods, Properties, Fields, Unity Events, C# Events, Generic Methods, Constructors and Operators.

•C# Generator

Achieve high performance execution like hand written c# script by compiling graph to c#. Every build in nodes are supported to generating a script and its fully no dependencies with uNode this mean you can remove uNode and run the output script to another project without uNode.

•C# Parser

Import c# script into uNode to quickly creating a node graphs and learn how uNode work.

•Realtime C# Preview

Preview generated c# script in realtime with syntax highlighting.
It will also highlight parts of the C# code that correspond to the selected graph elements in your graph.

•State Machine

Elegant state machines for high-level logic and easy state management, support unity events in each of state.

•Basic Support for Behavior Tree

Included Behavior Tree nodes to help creating AI easily, fully support to combine it with State Machine and Flows nodes.

•Actions & Conditions System

Make game with more easier ways, better organized, and easier to understand for non programmers.

•Built-in Documentation

Get instant access to Unity and custom documentation directly from the Editor.

•Live Editing

Modify any part of your graphs while in playmode to quickly prototype and test ideas

•Graph Debugging

Insert breakpoints, watch connection, and watch variable changed in a graphs. It can also debug connection and log to console with specific message when it reach the connection.

•Instant Node Search

Get instant node searching without the need to rebuild node library.
The node library is instantly refreshed based on using namespaces in each graph or can be customized in preference.

•Find References

Quickly find all references/usages for variable, property, function, graph and nodes in project.

•Graph Hierarchy

Easily navigate through your graph, find functions, macros, and see which nodes are currently active.

•Graph Search

Search all graph members ( graph, variable, property, etc ) in project easily.

•Auto C# Code Generation on Build

With the auto c# code generation on build your runtime graph will run as fast as native c# script on build.


•Node Browser

•Graph Minimap

•Full C# Source Code Included

•And much more

Supported Type: All Type are supported ( Classes, Structs, Enums, Collections, Interfaces, etc ).


uNode has 2 options to run the graphs:

Native C# for get the best performance (Auto in Build).

Optimized Reflection is slow compared to native c# but its live editable.

Example Projects


Roll a Ball


•Development Platforms:Support all platforms that Unity support.

•Works on Unity Pro and Free

•uNode 3 is not compatible with uNode 2

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