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Tetra Core

Tetra Core is a collection of C# extension methods and utility scripts. I've created this library to avoid writing the same lines of code for each project.
Tetra Creations
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Download Size:
16.69 MB
Current Version:
Original Release:
Nov 27, 2024
Last Update:
Nov 27, 2024
Supported Unity Version:
2021.3.17 or higher

Important : Please import TetraAttributes into your project before importing Tetra Core package.

This package improves the functionality of existing types, while contributing to the cleanliness and maintainability of your code.

Simple extension methods and utility scripts greatly improve the readability of your code by factoring the most common use cases, here are a few examples :

- Checking whether a GameObject entering a trigger collider has the expected LayerMask.

- Trying to Add an item to a list if isn't already there.

- Change the transparency of an image color.

- Show/Hide a CanvasGroup.

- Shuffle a list, get a random item from it.

- Destroy all children from a transform.

Check the online Documentation and the Scripting API for more details.

Here is the list of all extensions scripts :


- AudioMixerExtensions

- CanvasGroupExtensions

- CollectionExtensions

- Collider2DExtensions

- ColliderExtensions

- ColorExtensions

- ComparableExtensions

- DictionaryExtensions

- EnumerableExtensions

- FieldInfoExtensions

- FloatExtensions

- GameObjectExtensions

- ImageExtensions

- IntegerExtensions

- LayerMaskExtensions

- ObjectExtensions

- QuaternionExtensions

- RandomExtensions

- RectTransformExtensions

- RendererExtensions

- StringExtensions

- TextureExtensions

- TransformExtensions

- TypeExtensions

- TypeUtility

- Vector2Extensions

- Vector3Extensions


- AssetDatabaseExtensions

- AudioMixerExtensions

- EditorExtensions

- MonoScriptExtensions

- PathReferenceExtensions

It also comes with a few utility scripts :


- CountdownTimer

- Timer

- TimerManager

- LayerMaskFilter

- Singleton

- Trigger2DCollider

- TriggeCollider

- FloatValueCondition

This package uses various third party assets as examples under the Creative Common Zero (CC0) license :

- Hit Swing Sword Small 2 by CogFireStudios

- Modern and Futuristic Beats by Nancy_Sinclair

- live audience comedy show genuine laughter_moderate.wav by HowardV

- Knight Pack by Quaternius

Technical Details:

TetraAttributes package is required.

Tested in Unity 2021.3.

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