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Dot Probe Task - Selective Attention Measurement

The dot-probe task evaluates the speed of responses to emotional or threatening stimuli versus neutral ones.
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Download Size:
1.95 MB
Current Version:
Original Release:
Nov 27, 2024
Last Update:
Nov 27, 2024
Supported Unity Version:
2021.3.14 or higher

The dot-probe task is widely used not only in cognitive psychology but also in fields like educational and clinical psychology. Essentially, this task evaluates the speed of responses to emotional or threatening stimuli versus neutral ones. A threatening stimulus triggers nervousness or anxiety. A positive emotional word triggers enjoyment or happiness. For instance, for someone with test anxiety, the word "exam" might induce unease. While some dot probe experiments employ words, others use images. 

Supported VR Device Types via SteamVR

* Vive

* Oculus

* All other VR devices that use the SteamVR library

Because all creation and editing functionalities are accessible through the Unity Editor, no coding is required to create and run a custom questionnaire in a scene.

For further reading, see:

Putwain, D.W, Langdale, H.C., Woods, K.A., Nicholson, L.J. (2011). Developing and piloting a dot-probe measure of attentional bias for test anxiety. Learning and Individual Differences, 21(4), 478-482.

MacLeod, C., Mathews, A. M., & Tata, P. (1986). Attentional bias in emotional disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 95, 15-20

We are always interested in scientific collaborations. Please reach out to zefwih@gmail.com

Technical Details:
  • Automatic Equally Distributed Dot Probe Task Generation: Provide your task words or images, press play and start the task.
  • Participant and Condition IDs: Unique identifiers for each participant and condition.
  • Data Logging: Automatic logging of task data to a CSV file, customizable log path.
  • Customizable Visual Stimuli: Configurable display settings for the signals, including colors and shapes.
  • Score Calculation: Automatic measure of reaction times and calculation of Dot Probe Bias
  • Error Feedback: Provides visual feedback for errors with customizable sprites.
  • Task Timing: Adjustable response times and intervals between trials.
  • SteamVR Integration: (Optional) Integration with SteamVR for VR-based tasks.
  • Usage
    • Configuration:
    • Use one of the two Dot-Probe-Task prefabs or drag one of both DotProbeTask scripts on a canvas with at least two text fields or images.
    • Provide your words or images and set participant and condition IDs as well as your time settings and your preferred keyboard buttons in the Unity Editor.
    • Optionally customize display settings, signal shapes, colors, and error feedback sprites as required.
    • Logging: Enter the desired path for the data log file or use the default path.
    • Task Screen: The task starts with a welcome screen detailing the usage for participants, followed by the actual task, finished by a result screen.
    • Execution: The module executes a series of dot probe tasks. Participant responses are logged along with reaction times and error statuses.

Two predefined Prefabs and three Example Scenes with example quizzes are included: left-right-textual task, up-bottom-textual-task, image-task. Load a scene and hit play to start the task.

All source code is extensively documented.

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