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AbleAnimator is a powerful and easy to use animation package that allows you to control the sprite, position, scale or rotation of an object, run concurrent animations or even run events.
Craig Dennis
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Download Size:
438.22 KB
Current Version:
Original Release:
Aug 17, 2022
Last Update:
Aug 17, 2022
Supported Unity Version:
2020.3.15 or higher

What is AbleAnimator?

AbleAnimator is a powerful and easy to use animation package for Unity that enables you to quickly and easily animate any game object in your scene, including characters, props, and special effects. AbleAnimator also provides a number of handy features, such as key frame animations that can control the sprite, position, scale or rotation of an object, run concurrent animations or even run events.

Why is it different?

AbleAnimator has 2 modes, one is simply called "Sprite Mode" that allows you to set the duration, how many loops you need, and a set of sprites to run through. But what makes AbleAnimator stand out is it's much more powerful and versatile "Key Frame Mode", which allows you to not just change a sprite, but control the position, rotation, scale, run events, or even run combined animations at the same time. Each key frame has a time property so you can be very specific and control your animation to a fine degree.

Documentation and contact information


Documentation: AbleAnimator Documentation.pdf

Contact: Email

Technical Details:

Timed key frame animations,

Control sprites, position, rotation, scale as timed key frames,

Run concurrent animations at the same time on a single object,

Run events mid animation,

Simple sprite mode for ease of use,

Super easy to use,

Heavily documented and commented code

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