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XRKJ (XR Kinematic Joystick) Asset Image Purchase on the Asset Store » * This is an affiliate link, meaning we may earn a small commission if you purchase something through it, at no extra cost.

XRKJ (XR Kinematic Joystick)

An XR joystick for use with Unity's XR Interaction Toolkit.
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Download Size:
267.31 KB
Current Version:
Original Release:
Nov 26, 2024
Last Update:
Nov 26, 2024
Supported Unity Version:
6000.0.25 or higher

What makes XRKJ special?

  • XRKJ's handle mesh will alwayse face forward (direct quaternions are used for rotational values).
  • The joystick works predictably in any orientation, including upside down and at an angle.
  • XRKJ was deisgned to be as user firendly as possible while maintainting accessibility and options for advanced users.

Is it easy to use?

XRKJ is an almost plug-and-play joystick designed for use with Unity's XR Interaction toolkit. Out of the box, the joystick is grabbable and can be maniuplated, all you need to do is write recieving code for the object you want to control (The included demo scene has examples of different ways the joystick(s) can be used).

What is it good for?

This asset is great for creating things like arcade games and claw machines. However, it is essentially just a directional controller so you can control anything that uses a value.


You will need to know how to write some C# to add logic to the objects you want to controll, unless using one of the demo scripts is enough for your purposes.

Technical Details:
  • Automatically works with Unity's XR and MR players.
  • Works in any orientation and maintains rotations appropriate to a joystick.
  • Any of the meshes can be replaced with models of your choice.
  • XRKJ can also be used as a simple knob.
  • The XRJK Controller (Script) uses a scriptable float object and/or a delegate to communicate to other scripts.

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