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Animated Hands with Weapons Pack
3D › Characters
Maksim Bugrimov
(73 reviews )
Download Size:
1.22 GB
Current Version:
Original Release:
Nov 12, 2018
Last Update:
Jan 9, 2024
Supported Unity Version:
2021.3.15 or higher
FIRST RELEASE SECOND PART OF HANDS, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED TO SEE THE LINK https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/fps-starter-pack-203037?_ga=2.181284782.806658991.1622369958-1965559141.1575547826 Pack has animated hands with 18 types of weapons all weapons with hands are in different meshes. Animations do not have a humanoid setting, also weapons are attached to the arms Hands have 10 types of colors, if you are unsure of the purchase, you can write to me and I will send you a model for the test. 1.FPS hands and a Automatic rifle contain 12 animations 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Walk 4Get 5Hide 6Idle 7Idle other 8Recharge 9Run 10Shot 11Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:15,974 Tris:27,463 Verts:14,244 2.FPS hands and a axe 1Get 2Idle 3Idle other 4Walk 5Run 6Attack 7Attack2 8Hide PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:1,636 Tris:2,712 Verts:1,446 3.Hands and a Flashlight 1Get 2Idle 3Walk 4Run 5Attack 6Hide PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:1,601 Tris:1,601 Verts:914 4.FPS hands and a Grenade 1Get 2Idle 3Throw 4Walk 5Run PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:1,577 Tris:2,894 Verts:1,457 5.FPS Hands and Grenade-Gun 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Recharge 4Aiming Walk 5Get 6Hide 7Idle 8Run 9Shot 10Walk PBR textures(Metallic Sheder) PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:12,574 Tris:22,072 Verts:11,614 6.FPS hands and a Gun 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Shot End 4Aiming Walk 5Get 6Hide 7Idle 8Idle other 9Recharge 10Run 11Shot 12shot end 13Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:2,690 Tris:4,844 Verts:2,677 7.FPS hands and a Knife 1Get 2Idle 3Idle other 4Walk 5Run 6Attack 7Attack2 8Hide PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:777 Tris:1,336 Verts:671 8.FPS hands and a Shotgun 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Walk 4Get 5Hide 6Idle 7Idle other 8Recharge end 9Recharge 10Recharge beginning 11Shot 12Run 13Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:4,883 Tris:8,036 Verts:4,120 9.FPS hands and a Sniper Rifle 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Recharge 4Aiming Walk 5Get 6Hide 7Idle 8Run 9Shot 10Walk Sniper rifle: PBR textures(Metallic Sheder) PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 4096-4096 size) Polys:18,827 Tris:31,828 Verts:16,239 10.FPS hands and a Tommy-gun 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Recharge 4Aiming Walk 5Get 6Hide 7Idle 8Run 9Shot 10Walk 11Idle other PBR textures(Metallic Sheder) PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:7,129 Tris:12,177 Verts:6,504 11FPS hands and a Gun03 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Walk 4Get 5Hide 6Idle 7Recharge 8Run 9Shot 10Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 4096-4096 size) Polys:14,294 Tris:25,652 Verts:13,390 11.FPS hands and a Gun02 м 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Walk 4Get 5Hide 6Idle 7Recharge 8Run 9Shot 10Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 4096-4096 size) Polys:10,379 Tris:18,531 Verts:9,559 12.FPS hands and a Gun03 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Walk 4Get 5Hide 6Idle 7Recharge 8Run 9Shot 10Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 4096-4096 size) Polys:14,294 Tris:25,652 Verts:13,390 13.FPS Hands Automatic Rifle 02 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Recharge 4Aiming Walk 5Get 6Hide 7Idle 8Run 9Shot 10Walk PBR textures(Metallic Shader) PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 4096-4096 size) Polys:20,470 Tris:36,346 Verts:18,911 14.FPS Hands Automatic Rifle 03 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Recharge 4Aiming Walk 5Get 6Hide 7Idle 8Run 9Shot 10Walk PBR textures(Metallic Sheder) PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 4096-4096 size) Polys:12,848 Tris:22,666 Verts:11,906 15.Hands Automatic Rifle 04 Aiming Idle Aiming Shot Get Hide Idle Reload Run Shot Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 4096-4096 size) Polys:10,581 Tris:19,131 Verts:10,124 16.FPS Hands Syringe 1Syringe First Aid Syringe PBR textures(Metallic Sheder) PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:5,736 Tris:10,389 Verts:5,405 17.Hands Sniper Rifle 02 Aiming Idle Aiming Shot Get Hide Idle Idle Other Reload Run Shot Walk PBR textures. -Albedo (4) -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 4096-4096 size) Polys:20,751 Tris:37,726 Verts:20,457 18.Hands Automatic Rifle 05 Aiming Idle Aiming Shot Get Hide Idle Idle Other Reload Run Shot Walk PBR textures. -Albedo (2) -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 4096-4096 size) Polys:15,246 Tris:27,423 Verts:14,291
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