Realistic Animated Raven
Animated Raven with realistic animations and a controller script.
- Category:
- 3D › Characters › Animals › Birds
- Developer:
- animap
- Price:
- $189.90
- Rating:
- Favorites:
- 2
- Download Size:
- 56.35 MB
- Current Version:
- 1.0
- Original Release:
- Dec 16, 2024
- Last Update:
- Dec 16, 2024
- Supported Unity Version:
- 2022.3.10 or higher
- Description:
Please look at the preview video, you can see the animations and how it works with the controller script(C#).
The controller script makes it and all animations very easy to use,
The model's mesh is made of four levels of poly counts.
Required dependencies
- Unity UI
- Technical Details:
high-resolution (4k) PBR textures
- Diffuse map (with Alpha mask)
- Normal map
- Ambient Occlusion map
- Specular map
- Roughness map
LOD information (count, number of levels)
- Polygons_LOD0: 36,280 (Verts_LOD0: 58,151)
- Polygons_LOD1: 14,446 (Verts_LOD1: 14,661)
- Polygons_LOD2: 5,630 (Verts_LOD2: 5,885)
- Polygons_LOD3: 1,768 (Verts_LOD3: 1,916)
38 different animations. Here is the list of the animations and the frames(30 fps):
- walking: 2-65
- running: 67-94
- hopping: 96-109
- startFlying: 111-137
- soaring: 138-153
- soaringToFlyingTransition:154-169
- flying: 170-185
- gliding(GlidingWithTransitionFromFlying): 186-365
- gliding(notFlapping): 195-355
- gettingHit_Part1_DyingInTheAir: 366-397
- gettingHit_Part2_Falling: 398-411
- gettingHit_Part3_HittingTheFloor: 412-455
- flyingTransitionToDescending: 457-472
- descending: 473-488
- landing: 489-525
- jumping: 525-543
- eating: 544-706
- drinkingWater:707-800
- cawing: 801-880
- pooping: 881-978
- lookingAround: 979-1208
- yawning: 1209-1247
- sleeping_Part1_tendingToSleep: 1248-1440
- sleeping_Part2_loopSleeping: 1440-1480
- sleeping_Part3_wakingUp: 1481-1523
- stretching: 1524-1582
- cleaningItsWing: 1583-1646
- cleaningBackFeathers: 1647-1742
- cleaningChestFeathers: 1743-1860
- cleaningBeakWithFoot : 1861-2000
- attacking: 2001-2030
- gettingHit_DyingOnTheGround: 2031-2069
- dancing: 2073-2293//(2070-2306)
- flying_TurningLeft: 2310-2325
- flying_TurningRight: 2328-2343
- gliding_TurningLeft: 2346-2505
- gliding_TurningRight: 2507-2667
- huntingCatchingPrey: 2670-2722
don't hesitate to contact me if you need any help!
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